Submitted by: Brent Fowler
Question: 1
Which component of Microsoft Dynamics AX enforces user-specific data security on the data store and database?
A. UI Interaction Layer (WCF)
B. Data Access Layer (DAL)
C. OData Endpoint (WCF)
D. Form Engine
Answer: B
Question: 2
You need to verify the properties related to a specific table in the AOT, and you do not have a project The properties pane is already open in Visual Studio.
Which component do you need to use to select the table in order to see the properties?
A. Application Explore
B. Object Browse
C. Solution Explore
D. Code Definition Window
Answer: D
Question: 3
You are explaining the structure of a model to your client
Which two pieces of information should you provide to your client? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.
A. Models can contain elements.
B. Models can be associated with multiple Microsoft Visual Studio AX projects.
C. Models can contain data.
D. Models can contain multiple packages.
Answer: A
Question: 4
You are using Visual Studio to manage development with Microsoft Dynamics AX. You need to complete a project for use within the application. Which step must be performed?
A. best practice check
B. synchronization
C. build
D. validation
Answer: A
Question: 5
You are required to configure a Microsoft Dynamics AX production environment for your customer.
You need to configure the Dynamics AX server as part of the overall installation and configuration.
Which two components can be used to deploy the server? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.
A. Database
B. Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Virtual Machines
C. Windows PowerShell Commands
D. Internet Information Services (DA) web application
Answer: AB
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