Submitted by: Oliver J.Dixon

When you are first getting started with playing TERA, you may instantly be drawn to the priest class. Because TERA Priest cannot deal high damage to enemies, it is hard for this class to increase level alone. The priest is healer and supporter, and though you dont have access to heavier armor or weapons and dont do much DPS, youll soon discover that you can be an enormous benefit to your party. As a true supporter, TERA Priest provide healing, curing, buffing, and even resurrecting party. Every team members can lack any classes except priest. If you want to be a team-must-have class, TERA Priest is absolutely your choice. By reading TERA Priest Guide, youll discover that there are many tips that you need to know and keep them mind.

First, remember that while your TERA Priest Skills, are largely aimed towards healing others, you can absolutely protect yourself as well. Light of Retribution is the first offensive skill that you can learn, and for a while, it is your only recourse when you want to kill something. It has a quick cool-down, so spam it when you need to. It is low in cost and can help you fend of something that has low health until the rest of your party gets there.


Remember to keep an eye on all members of your party. Most of your attention is going to be focused on your tanks, which will generally be TERA Lancers or TERA Warriors. While they are going to be getting all of the enemies attention, you should also remember to keep an eye on your TERA Archers, your TERA Berserkers and your TERA Sorcerers. These classes wear lighter armor, and because they put out a lot of damage, they are very attractive to your enemies. Be ready to heal them quickly, as their health drops very quickly. Healing Circle and Arise are two good spells for you to use to keep everyone health, so pick these up as soon as you can. They can make a big difference to how well your party recovers. A TERA Priest guide can tell you more.

Being a TERA Priest involves a high expenditure of mana. Youll run yourself low on mana very quickly, especially at the low levels. The answer to this is going to be the Mana Burst spell. Mana Burst allows you to recover your mana over the course of 20 seconds. While this does not work in PvP environments, it is still useful when you are questing or PvE. It is also a difficult skill to use when you are soloing, so save it for times when a good tank can keep the attacker far away from where you are standing.

Think about what you want out of your game and how you want to play your priest. A TERA Priest is designed to be a healer, and if this is the role that you want to play, pick up a TERA Priest Guide, and become the true sopporter from god.

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