Submitted by: Derrick Ashley
In the early 1990 s, years of clinical research and computer and biomechanical simulations culminated in a new dental implant placement protocol that was to revolutionize the fields of fixed oral rehabilitation and implantology. The technique developed by the combined efforts of Nobel Biocare, one of the world s leading manufacturers of dental implant technology, and European implantologist, Dr. Paulo Malo, became referred to as the All-on-4. Since its conception, All on 4 dental implants have gone on to provide tens of thousands of edentulous [not having a single original adult tooth left] and near-edentulous patients with a comprehensive, immediate and long-term solution to all of their oral problems. This article takes a look at All on 4 dental implants in Houston and some of the benefits this technique has over traditional surgical placement protocol.
All on 4 Dental Implants in Houston: How the Technique Works
Previously, the patients that required a brand new set of teeth faced a choice between removable dentures, which go hand-in-hand with a vast array of difficult challenges, or a journey to oral rehabilitation that involved numerous consultations, surgeries, bone grafting and the placement of up to 20 dental implants! As a result, traditional dental implant protocol required as many as 18 months and sometimes more before a patient was able to smile with confidence again. This is not even to mention the exorbitant expenses associated with such a journey! All on 4 dental implants were essentially born out of a need to provide a more immediate, less expensive and far more sophisticated solution to rampant tooth loss and edentulism. And here is how the technique works:
The All on 4 dental implants technique consists of a fully customized prosthetic dental bridge, which is secured permanently in the mouth using, as the name suggests, only four implants [tiny, titanium screws]. Owing to the precise placement and careful angulation of the All on 4 dental implants, skilled and qualified dentists are almost always able to avoid the need for bone grafting surgery beforehand. This applies even to patients that present with a substantial loss of bone volume in the jaw; a natural result of tooth loss gone untreated. As such, the entire procedure can quite easily be completed in a single day and since modern dental implants are fabricated to withstand immediate loading, patients are able to return home on the same day of their surgery and use their new teeth for eating, speaking and of course, for smiling!
All on 4 Dental Implants in Houston: Summing Up the Benefits
So, with All on 4 dental implants in Houston, patients are able to get a brand new set of immediately functional, perfectly aesthetic and comfortable replacement teeth that are permanently secured in the mouth using implants. The quality and durable materials that go into the manufacturing of the prosthesis and implant products ensure that All on 4 dental implants in Houston provide a comprehensive and long-term solution to tooth loss and edentulism; regardless of the underlying cause. Save and secure treatment.
About the Author: Derrick Ashley is an expert writer and researcher on All on 4 Implants Houston. This article is highlighting at the All on 4 dental implant technique and the several benefits, it brings to patients over and above traditional placement protocol. More information visit –
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